Category Archives: FYI

Track and signal work alters Amtrak’s Blue Water and Wolverine schedules

amtrakskedchangeIn order for maintenance crews to accomplish track and signal improvements in the shortest time, Amtrak is temporarily changing schedules. The largest change affects the westbound schedule of Blue Water Train 365, westbound from Port Huron, from May 19 to August 31, 2014, but many other schedules are also modified.

Amtrak is adding additional trains to support travel on Sundays and Mondays this summer in Michigan while improving the infrastructure in West Michigan. The result will be improved reliability and a smoother ride.

As with all transportation modes, passengers should check for delays before heading to their boarding locations. We appreciate your patronage and apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for traveling with Amtrak.

Click on schedule to enlarge.
Click on schedule to enlarge.

You’re invited to the MML to discuss transportation funding – ACTION NEEDED‏

Note: As it currently stands, trains, transit, and non-motorized travel nodes will receive no increased funding from the $450 million transportation funding package that passed out of the House last week. The bills now go to the Senate, so the time for ACTION is now. If you can’t get to Lansing, please phone in to the number in the message below. There may be a “Go To Meeting” set up online. Contact either of the two people at the bottom of the page. Feel free to forward to others interested in trains, transit, and non-motorized transportation modes

mptamecTo: Parties interested in MDOT Comprehensive Transportation Funding

Re: Meeting to help advocate for CFT inclusion in current transportation funding package

Michigan Public Transit Association and the Michigan Environmental Council will host a meeting and conference call/Go To Meeting event for all interested parties at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, May 15th at the offices of the Michigan Municipal League.

The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate advocacy efforts to assure all new transportation money go through the current funding formula. This will ensure that recipients of CTF funds, including public transit, will benefit from the changes being considered in the Legislature.

Gov. Rick Snyder’s office has expressed its support for this concept; now we need to work to make it happen, using our lobbying, grass roots and communications assets. If you cannot attend, you can access the meeting by a conference call at 1-888-812-9637, passcode 548-270-63-22#.

We will be determining whether we need to use the Go To Meeting tools between now and Thursday, so keep an eye open for additional emails on that topic.

The proposed agenda is straightforward. Our goal is to hold this meeting to under 1 hour.

  • Welcome, discussion of current situation: Clark Harder, MPTA, others.
  • Desired outcome: Dennis Schornack, Gov. Rick Snyder’s Senior Strategy Advisor
  • Assets available discussion: David Waymire, Martin Waymire
  • Assignments: All
If you feel an organization should be included in this email, please feel free to invite them to Thursday’s meeting.
For more information, please contact David Waymire or Jessica Tramontana of Martin Waymire at 517-485-6600.

Track replacement continues in Kalamazoo

From News Channel 3 in Kalamazoo:

Amtrak will continue replacing some of its tracks in Kalamazoo Wednesday, which will impact drivers.

These are the areas you may want to avoid for the next couple weeks:

Wednesday, Harrison Street is closed until the 20th. By Friday the 18th Porter Street should be open, but on Saturday Wallbridge Street will be closed until the 22nd.

Detours will be posted, but they will change as different roads are closed.

Everything should be back to normal by Tuesday of next week.


Michigan Flyer-AirRide has a new stop in Ann Arbor

Michigan Flyer-AirRide passengers traveling between Ann Arbor’s Blake Transit Center (BTC) and either East Lansing or Detroit Metro Airport will board and be dropped-off in a new spot at the BTC. The new boarding location is 390 S. 5th Avenue (corner of 5th Ave. and William St.), across from the main entrance to the Ann Arbor Library. See “AirRide” on this diagram

ImageProxyThis change coincides with the opening of the new 12,019 square-foot BTC building, which boasts better rider amenities, including a larger customer service lobby and improved restrooms. It’s also now home to the getDowntown program—formerly located on E. Washington St.—with offices on the BTC’s second floor. The commuting resource offers programs and services to employees and employers in downtown Ann Arbor that include the go!pass, Commuter Challenge, bike locker rentals, Zipcars, free commuting assistance and more. 

Located on the same lot as the former BTC building, the new BTC was needed to accommodate the more than 5,000 passengers now arriving and departing daily, especially riders who stop at BTC en route to downtown Ann Arbor destinations, or who transfer between buses there. 

Wi-Fi is now available on Amtrak Midwest trains

 From an Amtrak Press Release:

Amtrak-Midwest-Wi-Fi-Launch-ATK-14-017,0-4AmtrakConnect® cellular-based Wi-Fi service is now available on Amtrak trains in the Midwest, with eight corridors offering this free amenity to Amtrak passengers, effective today. Collectively, these routes carried nearly 3.3 million passengers in the last year (Amtrak FY2013, Oct. 2012-Sept. 2013) and account for about 10 percent of Amtrak ridership.

We continually look for ways to improve the customer experience on board our trains. The availability of a free Wi-Fi service that delivers the speeds and connectivity passengers are looking for is yet one more way to achieve this goal and maintain a competitive position among transportation providers,” said Matt Hardison, Amtrak Chief Marketing and Sales Officer.

AmtrakConnect utilizes multiple cellular carriers to provide the best mobile experience possible, taking advantage of 4G technologies where available. Amtrak installed the equipment under contracts with the states of Illinois, Michigan, Missouri and Wisconsin as part of their sponsorship of Amtrak service. This brings the Wi-Fi coverage to about 85 percent of passengers across the national network.

Hardison explained that AmtrakConnect is provided at no cost to passengers and has proven very popular – as evidenced by the fact that it routinely supports between 30 and 50 percent of passengers on a given train.

“Amtrak trains in Illinois are faster, thanks to our joint commitment to high speed rail,” said Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. “Now, Wi-Fi access on those same trains will make each trip more productive and enjoyable. Faster, better and more efficient – now there are even more reasons to take the train in Illinois.”

“The traveling public has come to expect easy access to the Internet, so we’re very pleased to be offering free Wi-Fi on the Hiawatha Service between Milwaukee and Chicago,” said Mark Gottlieb, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. “This Wi-Fi addition is going to be especially appealing for our many business travelers, who can now make even better use of their time on the tracks.” 

“Wi-Fi is an important additional amenity for passengers on Michigan and other Midwest corridor services. Michigan looks forward to travelers enjoying Wi-Fi and other service improvements as we continue to implement our Accelerated Rail program,” said Tim Hoeffner, Rail Director, Michigan Department of Transportation “We are excited to partner with Amtrak and our sister state DOTs on Wi-Fi service as we look for more and creative ways to make train travel a more attractive option in Michigan and throughout the Midwest.”

“The Missouri River Runner is a popular travel option in our state,” said Michelle Teel, Multimodal Operations Director, Missouri Department of Transportation. “Adding Wi-Fi service for passenger use makes an already attractive service even more customer-friendly.”

Wi-Fi service is now provided on these Chicago Hub Services routes in addition to Amtrak trains on the East and West Coasts .

As the demand for on-board Wi-Fi continues to grow, and in order to ensure the best experience for everyone, data-intensive activities, such as streaming video and music, and large

file downloads that can slow everyone down, will be restricted. Doing so helps ensure that high-volume data users onboard the trains do not degrade the experience for others. More information is available on the attached document, which is available at stations and aboard the trains.

Passengers will also see specially dressed “AmtrakConnect Ambassadors” on some trains, distributing brochures and providing other assistance in celebration of the new service.