Upcoming MARP meeting/event calendar

Date Time  
Nov. 5, 2010 9:30 a.m. Michigan Operation Lifesaver –Durand Union Station. Lunch will be served. RSVP is required. Contact Sam Crowl 248-823-7037 samcrowl@comcast.net
Nov. 13, 2010 10 a.m. MARP member meeting – MARP Annual Meeting & Tribute to John DeLora – 10 a.m., Durand Union Station; $20 registration; Click HERE for details and a registration form.

MARP meetings are held in various places around the state in order to give everyone a chance to participate. 

We post meetings announcements on the web with agenda information and travel information. We have archived meeting minutes so you can have a look at past topics covered. 

MARP members also frequently set up a booth at festivals, train shows and other events to spread the word about passenger rail in Michigan. Click here for the schedule. Contact Robert Tischbein at rptischbein@juno.com, to volunteer for the next show. Thanks. 

Click here for the latest meeting announcements.

Click here for past meeting minutes.

The upcoming Michigan Association of Railroad Passenger meeting schedule can be found by clicking here. Bookmark the page when you get there.