Moving from Vision to Action – TRU annual meeting Tuesday evening

January 24, 2006


You’re invited!

Please join Transportation Riders United’s 2006 Annual Meeting, Moving from Vision to Action!

It will be held next Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 6:30pm in downtown Detroit’s Guardian Building (500 Griswold).

Come learn about exciting transit initiatives such as the Ann Arbor to Detroit Rapid Transit project and ways you can get involved to help achieve the regional transit vision for greater Detroit.

Contact TRU at 313-863-8872 or for more information.


Transportation Riders United is a non-profit organization focused on improving transportation access and mobility in Greater Detroit. We strive to improve the quality of existing transit service and to facilitate the creation of a quality regional rapid transit system, through research, public education, coalition building and public involvement.

TRU is growing, and we want you to get involved!

Our 2005 Annual Meeting was primarily focused on creating a positive vision of the future of the region, “Detroit 2030: An Agenda for a Sustainable Metropolis.”

This year, we’re focused on Moving from Vision to Action.

We will discuss two exciting transit initiatives – the Ann Arbor to Detroit Rapid Transit project and the Woodward Corridor transit project. This spring will be a critical time for public input into the design of the AA-Detroit project. We will have regional leaders and experts from DARTA, the University of Michigan and elsewhere present on the opportunity that these projects represent for the entire region.

We will also discuss TRU’s plans for the coming year and the many ways you can get involved, including:
– Improving existing bus service and ridership,
– Promoting the new transit initiatives,
– Researching the policy changes at the regional and state level for a regional transit system,
– Improving TRU’s capabilities through fundraising and membership building,
– Changing public perception of transit through effective marketing of transit, and
– Building the broad coalition of support needed to achieve a regional transit system.

The meeting will be next Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30pm in downtown Detroit’s Guardian Building (500 Griswold).

Contact the TRU office at 313-963-8872 or

Hope to see you there!



Megan Owens

Executive Director, Transportation Riders United

500 Griswold, Suite 1650
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Phone: 313-963-8872
Fax: 313-963-8876

Our mission is to improve transportation access and mobility in Greater Detroit.
