MARP elects a new executive committee at the Annual Meeting in Durand


The Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers elected a new executive committee at its annual meeting, September 8, 2007.

The new officers are as follows:
• Mike Whims, Executive Director and Metro Detroit Coordinator;
• John DeLora, Executive Committee Chair;
• Don Monteith, Vice Chair;
• Hugh Gurney, Secretary;
• David Randall, Treasurer;
• Andrew Kent, Northern Region Coordinator;
• John Langdon, Western Region Coordinator;
• Jim Wallington, East/Central region Coordinator;
• Clark Charnetski, At-Large Executive Committee Member;
• Kay Chase, At-Large Executive Committee Member;
• Steve Sobel, At-Large Executive Committee Member;
• Rich Varva-Musser, At-Large Executive Committee Member.

There was only one nomination for each office and the membership in attendance unanimously approved by a show of hands. Each office’s term expires September 2009.

The election results in several shifts from the 2005-2007 term with Whims and DeLora trading offices and Wallington moving from Secretary. Monteith, Varva-Musser, Sobel and Gurney are new to the Executive Committee this term.

Members no longing serving on the Executive Committee are Mike Frezell as Vice Chair, J.R. Valderas as an At-Large Executive Committee Member, Dick Perkarek as East/Central Region Committee Member and Kazuya Fujita as an At-Large Executive Committee Member. Valderas will still be an active member in MARP, volunteering as editor of The Michigan Passenger.

Kent, Langdon, Randall, Charnetski and Chase retain the offices they held during the prior term.

The election was held during the annual meeting held at the Durand Union Station in Durand, Michigan on September 8, 2007. This year’s featured speaker at the annual meeting was Michigan State Representative Hoon-Jung Hopgood who is Chair of the Transportation Committee.

Remarks were given by long-time Durand Union Station advocate Norma Ward and Durand Union Station Director Deborah Canute.

DeLora gave a presentation titled “Amtrak and Advocacy.”

Lunch was catered by GiGi’s Banquets and Catering in Corunna, Michigan.