Ann Arbor City Council approves resolution of support for passenger rail in Michigan

From Ann

The Ann Arbor City Council went on record Monday night to unanimously support the state of Michigan’s efforts to develop and fund a comprehensive system of high-speed rail and intercity passenger rail services.

Mayor John Hieftje, who sponsored the resolution, said the Michigan Municipal League is asking Ann Arbor and other communities to demonstrate support for the Michigan Department of Transportation’s new application for funding from a $2.5 billion second round of federal high-speed rail grants.

“A tremendous amount of money has been put into high-speed rail,” Hieftje said. “I think up to $4 billion has already been handed out. This next round is $2.5 billion. And as we’ve said before, the improvements that would take place for the high-speed corridor are exactly the same improvements that we need for commuter rail to work.”

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