MARP Goals for 2007



1)     Maintain an effective and wide-reaching public education and outreach program during 2007 that includes at least the following levels of activity for the organization:

a)     Speaking engagements at five (5) public events

b)     Tabling at fifteen (15) public events

c)      Coverage in twelve (12) media stories

d)     Publish at least three (3) newsletters

e)     Maintain an updated web site


2)     Continue to educate public officials about the benefits of passenger rail through at least the following levels of activity:

a)     Education of potential coalition partners to interface directly with elected officials on the need for full passenger rail funding

b)     Implementation of applicable sections of NARP’s “Grass Routes Advocacy” program for state ARP’s


3)     Advocate for passengers’ needs with appropriate agencies and government entities with emphasis on improving on-time performance and on-board service quality, to include at a minimum:

a)     Quarterly meetings with Amtrak operations management

b)     Stakeholder participation in MDOT and SEMCOG transportation initiatives

c)      Communication with appropriate regulatory and elected officials


4)     Develop and implement the “Ride the Train Michigan” marketing program


5)     Implement the recommendations of the Route Enhancement Committee


6)     Increase member meeting attendance to an average of 17 individuals per meeting, and MARP membership to 450 memberships. Encourage life members to get more actively involved.


Approved by the MARP Executive Committee on January 13, 2007