Gaffney resigns as Steam Railroading Institute Director

From the Owosso Argus-Press

The Steam Railroading Institute is currently looking for a new executive director to replace T.J. Gaffney.

“The recruitment process will begin immediately, and we hope to fill the position prior to (Gaffney’s) departure,” SRI President Richard Greter said.

Gaffney recently announced his departure from SRI, he has held his position since January 2007.

“I believe that this is a good juncture for me to complete my tenure and focus on my family,” Gaffney said. “I am proud of all that has been accomplished and I consider it a privilege to have served as executive director of SRI.”

“His decision to leave may have come as a surprise to some of our volunteers, but I think that a great many of them knew of some of the challenges he faced,” Greter said of Gaffney leaving SRI. “Nearly four years of 60 hour work weeks, most weekends at Owosso away from home, a one hour and 20 minute commute, and a disrupted family life were all contributing factors.”

“I have quite the commute, and it’s been hard on my family,” Gaffney said.

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