Hopes are high for the Woodward Corridor – But obstacles remain

From The Metro Times

Despite all the hype and hope for light rail along Detroit’s Woodward corridor, there are major questions of funding. And there is also the daunting legacy of decades of mass transit hopes that haven’t left the station.

The current plans are moving forward for a light rail train, the first leg to be constructed largely with private funds and running from downtown to New Center with connections to the downtown People Mover, the Amtrak station and city and suburban bus lines.

No formal plan for funding the new light rail system’s operation has been put forward — yet — and more questions concern the track’s second leg, which would continue to Eight Mile Road.

While transit advocates are hosting public informational meetings this month, the Bing administration is quietly, behind the scenes, shaping plans for funding both construction of the second leg and then operating the entire line with a combination of a local bond issue and hoped-for but as-yet-unsecured state and federal grants.

Read much more at: http://metrotimes.com/news/might-rail-1.1109031