Ambassador Bridge owner hires Quinn Evans Architects for Michigan Central Depot work in Detroit

From the Detroit Free Press

The Detroit International Bridge Co. has hired Ann Arbor-based Quinn Evans Architects to design the restoration of the windows and roof at the Michigan Central Depot in Detroit, the bridge company said Thursday.

Quinn Evans is known for its work restoring historic buildings. Elisabeth Knibbe, a principal at Quinn Evans and a well-known historic-preservation architect, will lead the design project.

“Although the building has been vacant for years, it is structurally sound and most suitable for adaptive use,” Knibbe said in a statement released by the bridge company. “In fact, the condition of the interior presents interesting opportunities for juxtaposing historic and contemporary design elements.”

Bridge company Vice Chairman Matthew Moroun said in the statement, “We hope this is just the beginning of a renaissance for the depot.  It is an important first step to helping return the building to its rightful place among the great Detroit landmarks.”
