TRU Meeting on Woodward Light Rail – Monday, July 11, 2011

Come Monday evening to TRU’s summer meeting to learn all about the Woodward Light Rail plan!

Last week the Woodward Light Rail team and Federal Transit Administration made a big announcement:

  • They completed and signed the final Impact Statement and
  • They selected a locally-preferred alternative including the alignment, route, and stations.

Come to Woodward Light Rail route mapTRU’s Summer Meeting to learn all about the Woodward Light Rail plan, including next steps, challenges, and how you can help make sure it happens:

  • Monday, July 11, 6:00-8:00pm
  • Ann Arbor room of the U of M Detroit Center (3660 Woodward Ave, just north of Mack)

Officials from the Woodward Light Rail project team will be there to present their decision-making process and plan and to answer your questions.

Plus, get updates on other TRU projects, events, plans, and activities.  You won’t want to miss it!

Find us on Facebook  And please help spread the word and bring friends!