New departure, arrival boards unveiled at Kalamazoo Transportation Center

From The Kalamazoo Gazette:

12183589-mmmainFolks catching a bus or a train in Kalamazoo have a new resource to monitor arrival and departure times.

A small press event was held Tuesday to announce the new boards at the Kalamazoo Transportation Center. The boards have departure and arrival times for Amtrak trains, Indian Trails and Metro Transit buses. Each service is color coded.

The city of Kalamazoo is the first city to have the boards as part of the project organized by the National Association of Railroad Passengers, said John DeLora, vice chair of the association.

The Kalamazoo Transportation Center is also the first center in the country to have multiple transportation schedules on one board, DeLora said. The boards operate off of city computer data.

Funding for the boards was made possible through a $25,000 grant from the Sally Mead Hands Foundation, which promotes “green transportation.”

This is the first such board in the U.S. for intermodal transportation that includes inner-city transportation. It cost about $10,000 to do the research to create the boards. The hardware was about $500.

“It would have been a million-dollar project in the 70s,” DeLora said.

DeLora said he hopes to expand to six to eight other stations in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. The next station will be Battle Creek, he said.

On hand for the event was Kalamazoo Mayor Bobby Hopewell, Metro Transit Director Bill Schomisch and Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority Director Sean McBride.
