Meeting Minutes – Executive Committee — Manistee – August 10, 2013

AUGUST 10, 2013


Present: Robert Tischbein, Hugh Gurney, Kay Chase, Jim Hinkins, Larry Krieg, John Langdon

Also Present: Steve T. Sobel, Dave Vander Bee, Clark Charnetski, Burt TenBrink, Cheyrl TenBrink, Jeanie Merckel, Chuck Merckel, Cathy Hart, Ken Harb, Don Gottschaak, Don VanUlm, Christine C. Ballard, Ronald K. Johnson, Pat Tischbein, John W. McCloskey, Tess Craven, Dan Platz

Call to Order:  Chairman Tischbein called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.  The roll call indicated that a quorum was present.  Steve Sobel was appointed as timekeeper.

Agenda Approval:  Langdon moved to accept the agenda as printed.  The motion was seconded by Hinkins and approved by the members of the Executive Committee present.

Minutes of the meetings at Flushing on July 20, 2013 were reviewed.  Langdon moved acceptance of the Executive Committee minutes.  The motion was seconded by Krieg and approved by the members of the Executive Committee present.

Krieg then moved acceptance of the July Monthly Meeting minutes.  This was seconded by Langdon and approved by the members of the Executive Committee present.

Treasurer’s Report:  Langdon reviewed the Treasurer’s Report as submitted by Treasurer Dave Randall.  As of July31, 2013, The JPMorgan Chase account stood at $31,760.12.  This includes $17,141.26 of Pratt Fund proceeds waiting for reinvestment. 

Langdon noted that this report does not include $5,000 for Michigan By Rail received in August.

Langdon suggested that Chuck Merckel contact Randall to discuss the current over expenditure in the Outreach account.  Langdon reported that Randall is working on procedures for electronic payment of dues.

Krieg moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report.  The motion was seconded by Hinkins and approved by the members of the Executive Committee present.


Executive Action Items:

            Attracting Younger Members:  Krieg reviewed notes he had taken following a meeting with Emily Thompson, a 26 year old organizer for the Michigan Suburbs Alliance.  He moved that MARP make it a policy that half of MARP meetings take place at venues accessible by public transportation.  The motion was seconded by Gurney

            Langdon offered an amendment,  that Krieg first discuss his motion with the Meetings Coordinator, then return to the Executive Committee with a recommendation they both agreed upon.  The amended motion was seconded by Chase and approved by the members of the Executive Committee present. 

            Online Payments:  Krieg then moved that the Newsletter Editor be authorized to initiate online payments for dues.  The motion was seconded by Chase.  It was agreed that the Executive Committee would first authorize on line payments.  The Treasurer would first make a recommendation, then draft a contract, then permit the Editor to implement.  The motion was approved by the members of the Executive Committee present.

Adjournment: The Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted:                                             Accepted:




Hugh D. Gurney                                                         Robert Tischbein

Secretary                                                                     Chair