Saturday, February 15, 2014,
10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
University of Detroit-Mercy
Are you enjoying this Michigan winter yet? It has, indeed, been one for the books.
MARP is planning to warm things up a bit with this interesting program on the campus of the University of Detroit-Mercy. See the end of this message for complete directions to the campus.
Our speaker will be Dr. Leo E. Hanifin, who recently retired after 21 years as Dean of the UDM College of Engineering and Science. He will speak on the topic of “Transit in Detroit”.
Dr. Hanifin led the Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center (MIOH UTC), a coalition of five universities funded by federal and state DOTs and partner corporations. In this role, he brought together UDM engineering and architecture faculty to work with consultants from Deloitte to provide research, analysis and recommendations for the light rail system in Detroit.
He currently leads a team of regional transportation entities in a twenty-month study of the factors that enable and inhibit the development and operation of effective regional transit in SE Michigan: factors like public opinion, funding, social issues and politics. He expresses hope of creating a new understanding of the issues that have, over many decades, kept the region from developing an effective transit system.
Please plan to join us for our usual “no host” lunch following the meeting. We enjoy socializing and talking informally about the train issues that interest us.
If you are would like to join a carpool, please reply to this email. See below for directions to campus.
Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers
The University of Detroit-Mercy, McNichols Campus, is located in northwest Detroit, on the southeast corner of McNichols and Livernois, at 4001 West McNichols. The campus is accessible from the Lodge (US 10), Chrysler (I-75) and Jeffries (I-96) freeways.
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Download and print a map of the UDM McNichols Campus Map
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The MARP meeting is in the Engineering Building, Room 131. Enter campus at the Livernois gate and tell the attendant you are visiting Dr. Hanifin in Engineering. The Engineering Building is visible from this entrance. Turn right and park in guest parking. Walk to west entrance of Engineering Bldg. Proceed to Room 131.
- Northbound John C. Lodge Freeway (10): Exit at Livernois. Turn right onto Livernois. The University is north two lights on the right.
- Southbound John C. Lodge Freeway (10): Exit at Livernois. Turn left onto Livernois. The University is north two lights on the right.
- Northbound I-75: Exit at Davison Freeway. Take Davison to northbound John C. Lodge Freeway (10). Exit at Livernois. Turn right onto Livernois. The University is north two lights on the right.
- Southbound I-75: Exit at Eight Mile. Turn right onto Eight Mile Road. Proceed west to Livernois. Follow Livernois south to University.
- Westbound I-94 or Eastbound I-94: Exit John C. Lodge Freeway (10) North. Exit at Livernois. Turn right onto Livernois. The University is north two lights on the right.
- Westbound I-696 to I-75 South: Exit at Eight Mile. Turn right onto Eight Mile Road. Proceed west to Livernois. Follow Livernois south to University.
- Eastbound I-696 to John C. Lodge (10) South: Exit at Livernois. Turn left onto Livernois. The University is north two lights on the right.
- Eastbound Eight Mile: Turn right onto Livernois. Proceed to McNichols.
- Westbound Eight Mile: Turn left onto Livernois. Proceed to McNichols.