Learn About “Toledo to Detroit/Ann Arbor by Train?” Thursday, April 15, 2021

Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers
Invites You to Learn About
“Toledo to Detroit/Ann Arbor by Train?”
Thursday, 15 April 2021
5:00 PM Eastern Time

Please plan to join us “virtually” as we talk with members of the Passenger Rail Committee of the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG). The committee partners with TMACOG staff to support efforts to bring modern higher speed intercity rail service to the northwest Ohio/southeast Michigan region
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5999785286?pwd=NEFCRm51TitCWDBhekZZWEE0SFU5UT09Meeting ID: 599 978 5286
Passcode: ARB351

Or Phone:  312-626-6799 US
Meeting ID:  599 978 5286
Passcode:  746483

With talk swirling around the prospect of a big federal infrastructure investment and Amtrak’s more proactive stance toward service expansion, the time seems right to push forward projects high on the wish list.

 A TMACOG study completed in 2019 made a strong case for development of a Toledo-Detroit-Ann Arbor rail service with a major hub at the DTW Airport and the potential to expand northward to reach additional destinations in Michigan along the proposed Ann Arbor to Traverse City (A2TC) route.

 If you are new to Zoom, you will find this short video helpful: