Transport Action Canada is the new name for Transport 2000

For immediate release

January 5, 2010

(OTTAWA) — Canada’s national voice for sustainable public transportation has a new name, “Transport Action Canada”, replacing the widely-recognized name “Transport 2000 Canada”, which has been in use for over 30 years.

“Our voice has been heard through our national and regional organizations on all matters affecting public transportation, by all modes, in all parts of the country”, said David Jeanes, president of Transport Action Canada. “We are a volunteer-based nonprofit corporation and registered charity, with our national office in Ottawa, and we will continue to advocate for sustainable public transport for passengers and freight”, he added.

Transport 2000 Canada, founded in 1976, shared its name with organizations with similar objectives in the UK and France, and looked forward a quarter century to the next millennium. Now in the tenth year of that millennium our new name, Transport Action, is already well-known as the name of our bi-monthly newsletter since 1980 and our registered trade-mark since 1998.

Transport Action’s website is and email address All other contact information is unchanged.

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Further information:
David L. Jeanes, P.Eng.                                             
President, Transport Action Canada                         
613-594-3290 (ofc), 613-725-9484 (res)                 
Harry Gow
Founding President


Transport 2000 was founded in the UK in 1973 and in France in 1974. Transport 2000 Canada was formed in 1976, bringing together groups in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada. The European organizations granted permission to use the name and it was extended to regional groups across Canada. The founders of Transport 2000 in the UK. and France participated in our first major national event, the National Rail Passenger Conference in Regina in October 1976.

Transport 2000 Canada was incorporated as a federal non-profit corporation and registered charity in 1978 to conduct advocacy and research in the field of public transportation. The name Transport 2000 was registered as a trademark in 1981. So the legacy of Transport 2000 goes back over 30 years.

Transport 2000 UK is now known as “The Campaign for Better Transport”, (, and Transport 2000 France is ”La Fédération Nationale des Associations d’Usagers des Transports – FNAUT”, (

In the year 2000 we decided to retain the name Transport 2000, with its widespread recognition across Canada. However, ten years into the new millennium, our directors and members decided overwhelmingly that it was time for a change. We chose Transport Action as it was the well-established name of our newsletter, since 1980, and our trade-mark, since 1998. As the words mean the same in English and French, we did not register two names.

Our regional associate organizations for Atlantic, Ontario, Prairie and British Columbia are taking the necessary steps to change their names to Transport Action; Transport 2000 Québec will retain its present name, for now. Corporations Canada approved the change by supplementary letters patent, effective 28 October. Approval is expected shortly from Canada Revenue Agency Charities Division, (registration 11926 8571 RR0001). The Ontario Government gave its approval to Transport 2000 Ontario on 29 December.
Transport Action Canada
Box 858, Station B
Ottawa, ON  K1P 5P9
Tel: 613-594-3290, Fax: 613-594-3271