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Passenger rail service in the United States is seriously threatened! President Bush has proposed to CUT ALL FUNDING to Amtrak beginning October 1, 2005. The national passenger rail system gives Americans a necessary travel choice to highways and airplanes, and is the ONLY intercity service to many communities without air or intercity bus connections.

Nationwide rail travel is at record levels this year, increasing 4.3% over last year. Since September 11, 2001, rail travel is gaining national popularity and purpose. Over 25 million passengers rode Amtrak last year.

Michigan rail ridership has been steadily increasing at double-digit percentages over the past two years. (See chart) The State of Michigan supports passenger rail service with funding for the Pere Marquette and Blue Water trains, but these trains and the Pontiac-Chicago Wolverine service will end unless Congress acts to save and expand the federal support of Amtrak.

Contact your elected officials and let them know that you support continued funding of national passenger rail. Include a personal story about why Amtrak is important to you, if possible. See contact information below.

Call, fax or email your elected officials (postal letters are subject to long security delays). Include the President, Congressional representatives, State leaders and your local mayor and/ or councilpersons in your correspondence.

The President: ph. (202) 456-1111, fax (202) 456-2461, email president@whitehouse.gov
U.S. Senate/House switchboard: (202) 224-3121 or go to www.senate.gov, www.house.gov
The Governor: (517) 373-3400
Michigan Senate switchboard: (517) 373-2400, or go to www.senate.michigan.gov
Michigan House switchboard: (517) 373-0135, or go to house.michigan.gov